
Head Coach - Mike O'Donovan
90 Chornick Cole
91 O'Donovan Owen
95 Sommers Ethan
97 Campbell Gage
98 Sumner Asher
99 Daniels Meghan
103 Alessio Gavin
105 Beggan Ryder
107 Palumbo Weylin
108 Maslyk Trevor
110 Girman Braden
113 Bittner George
114 Hazi Ryan
129 - Goalie Michaels Connor
131 - Goalie Coulter Lily


Head Coach - Brian Oehlbeck
92 Devido Jayden
93 Oehlbeck Matthew
94 Hunyadi Sullivan
96 Koscinski Kash
101 Foulk Garrett
102 Pastore Luca
104 Wilczak Caleb
106 Breuer Aaron
109 Maxwell Landon
111 Hudspath Lucas
115 Meredith Addison
116 Sumners Peyton
130 - Goalie Multari Vincent

Committment Info

At the present time there are 25 skaters registered for the Bantam level. This results in an A Major team of 13 and A Minor team of 12. The LCAHA  Board would like to increase the roster size of each proposed team. Additional players on each team will improve “competitive” depth and safeguard against fatigue and injury. We are notifying current parents so you will understand why a notice of a Supplemental Tryout will be posted for this age group.


Supplemental tryouts will be held primarily to add to both teams. Should additional players be added to the Minor roster, players may move up. Players will not be moved down. If you personally know anyone looking to join a hockey organization please pass along the posting that comes from our social media.

All efforts are being made to maintain 2 teams at 14U. The Board has held constant discussions over the past few days considering all scenarios and potential circumstances. At the present time holding a Supplemental session will help achieve this goal. We want to keep players skating, build the organization, and avoid wait-listing players.

We will extend your commitment  deadline until after the supplemental tryouts. While the deadline is extended we ask for you help. Please let us know as soon as possible if you intend to decline your roster spot.

If you are aware of any additional  players interested in this age group, please reach out to us with contact information so we can invite them to our supplemental tryouts.

Please note that the Team Placements on rosters are preliminary and subject to change. The number of teams per age group is also subject to change.

The LCAHA Board and independent Tryout Evaluators are concerned about the viability of maintaining multiple teams at each age level, particularly for the 12U and 14U age groups. This is due to lower-than-expected registration numbers Association-wide for the year. The acceptance rates of registered players for the current tryout will dictate the final number of teams per age group.

If you know that your player does not intend to remain with LCL, please notify us immediately. It is possible that after the commitment deadline multiple rosters may need to be reassigned to one team for some age groups. 

The LCAHA Board is working to increase the likelihood of maintaining the standard of two teams per age group. Supplemental tryout sessions for new players in the upcoming weeks will be offered. Any potential players gained through supplemental tryouts will be offered roster positions according to the appropriate skill level. Additional players added to the Minor teams in an age group may result in players being moved up to the Major level. Players will not be moved down.  

We recognize that this uncertainty may cause frustration for players and families. The LCAHA Board has worked to consider all factors. Final decisions on rosters will be made once commitments are made after the supplemental tryouts.

Our goal remains to keep as many players skating and remaining in our organization as possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding during the upcoming weeks through this continually evolving process.